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Showing posts from July, 2015


I see all my problems disappearing Like dew on a hot morning No more where they once stood dancing. Oh see all my problems dying In flocks, away they're running You see this smile i'm wearing? You hear the song i'm singing? You see the way I'm dancing? Well my problems have gone And my happy future is born Finally arrives the dawn And my happiness is rekindled Like the dying flame of a candle. If I can triumph Don't despair Your salvation cometh soon!

This is not a Love Poem

This is not a love poem To a mister who my heart has This is a sad poem A dirge for posterity A satire to the greedyguts And a prayer to the heavens. This is not a love poem This is a cry for salvation A call for rebirth of morality For if we forever shrink back Like snails at the slightest touch We shall forever remain in one place. This is not a love poem It cannot be For love deserted us long ago Chased by fibbery and egotism Leaving us naked Like skinned sheeps in winter time.