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Showing posts from May, 2016

Because Being Charitable Is Cool

Over the years, we have had various fads. These trends have ranged from hairstyles and clothes to even typing formats. Corey Feldman an American actor and singer once said “You have to stay updated on trends, social things and pop culture, you need to stay with the times and keep evolving”. This no doubt is an opinion that a lot of people agree with. To go with trends has its pros and cons and perhaps, it is impossible to list them all. However, most strong willed people usually believe that following trends is an unwise course because they never end. Thus, it is like continually running in a race that has no end. While the world has seen various trends in times past, there has never been a time such as this when charity has become a trend. Today, it is now cool to be involved in charitable activities because the world likes it. Young people over the world now join certain Non Governmental Organizations for the ‘selfie’of it. Social media has carefully ensured that it now wields the

Africans and Our Unracist Lives.

AFRICANS AND OUR UNRACIST LIVES In 2007, Joseph Godson Amamoo said and I quote “For if racism against nonwhites is morally wrong and unjustifiable, then how can racism against whites be morally right and justifiable?”. This quote is one that almost every African if not all can relate with. Africa no doubt has had to endure several years of exploitation and unfair treatment from other prominent continents and this is one reason why most Africans are wounded. Can I talk about our wounds and not mention the ever famous slave trade? No! Today I realise that most of my African brothers and sisters are in a trap that is all too easy to fall into. That is the trap of assuming that the word ‘racist’ relates to white folks only, after all, it was they who looked down on us and deemed us fit to be treated like animals. To burst your bubble, blacks can be racist too! No, I am not a westernised African who has been brainwashed and is seeking to turn my back on my people. I was born in Lagos, Ni