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Because Being Charitable Is Cool

Over the years, we have had various fads. These trends have ranged from hairstyles and clothes to even typing formats. Corey Feldman an American actor and singer once said “You have to stay updated on trends, social things and pop culture, you need to stay with the times and keep evolving”. This no doubt is an opinion that a lot of people agree with.
To go with trends has its pros and cons and perhaps, it is impossible to list them all. However, most strong willed people usually believe that following trends is an unwise course because they never end. Thus, it is like continually running in a race that has no end. While the world has seen various trends in times past, there has never been a time such as this when charity has become a trend.
Today, it is now cool to be involved in charitable activities because the world likes it. Young people over the world now join certain Non Governmental Organizations for the ‘selfie’of it. Social media has carefully ensured that it now wields the key to the contentment of most people’s lives. In an era where a person’s worth and entirety is summed up by their media presence and online followership, teens and even adults are doing just everything to be liked.
This, one would think is a good trend but that is not really 100% correct. What happens off camera when the selfie is taken? How much real effort is dedicated to the course?  I have been privileged to volunteer a few times (I am not the most charitable person on earth) and I can say that at such moments, the last thing on my mind is taking selfies. Most times, the environment is usually crowded and affords no such time. Even when there is ample time, the situation is more about bonding and relating with people who have witnessed terrible times.
I am not saying that it is not good to take pictures when you go on such outings. What I am saying is that, whatever you do, do it whole heartedly. I have seen people go to orphanages and take pictures throughout without even interacting with the orphans. The only time they go close to them is for a SELFIE. These same people do not leave a penny or at least Garri when they leave. So what is charitable about that? I have heard of people who go to refugee camps and refuse to touch anybody or anything. Worse still, there are those who get involved because they want to meet some famous person who has been used as an incentive to get volunteers.
All I will say is that there is God. If you do not feel it in your heart to be charitable then please stay back. Orphanages and refugee camps are not Common Rooms where people go to relax. Do not add your extra unneeded self to such environments and cause heat especially with current weather conditions.


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