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Beautiful Woman 2

Hello readers, as promised I am back with the concluding article on Beautiful Woman. Today, we will be  starting with a look at INTELLIGENCE.
 A beautiful woman is intelligent in a number of ways and not just academically. She makes wise decisions from the littlest of things to the biggest. She carefully examines every move she is about to make. Her intelligence helps her excell at school, work and in building personal relationships with people. She uses this intelligence to also help those around her by giving proper solicited advice.
 A beautiful woman has good financial management skills not because she is rich but because she is frugal with her earnings. Her ability to manage her finances well make her a 'boss lady'.
 A beautiful woman is respectful. In being respectful she is not partial. She respects both her juniors and seniors. She recognizes the fact that being respectful takes absolutely nothing away from her beauty but rather, beautifies her.
 A beautiful woman NEVER dictates to people. Her job is not to force her ideas on people. She recognizes the fact that she is but a human not a god. She is open to suggestions and observances however she does not easily allow herself to be confused as she can only be convinced.
 Finally, a beautiful woman recognizes the fact that there are some roles made specifically for men and does not try to usurp them. As much as she can, she supports her man. She does not try to engage in a power tussle with him ,NO! she does not even think about it. This is not to say that she is a footmat or a rag or that she is irrelevant. She is beautiful! Because, she is richly adorned with special qualities.


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