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Why Husband Snatching is Here to Stay

As much as possible, I try to be optimistic in my writings, hoping for the best. However, I do not dilute the truth in an attempt to sound positive. Today, I publicly say that Husband Snatching is a trend that won't grow cold just like jeans. Here are 3 reasons why I think so.

You have a prince charming  who constantly sweeps you off your feet? Please keep it to yourself.  Most women derive joy in constantly flaunting their happy married life everywhere possible but they forget that evil eyes are watching. It's hard to get a good man these days, so if another lady knows just how good your man is,  she could just start making plans to keep him for herself.

I was listening to a song today on Wazobia Max by an artiste whose name I cannot remember now. There was a dialogue in the song between an aunt and a niece.  Apparently, the girl got pregnant for a 'nobody'  and the aunt began to rant about how she should have gone for a rich man like Otedola's son.  Most families today would consent to their daughter marrying a rich man even if she has to be the second or third wife. In some cases,  they are comfortable with the position of a mistress.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG! Feminism is a good thing. I totally understand that women need to be respected and given equality. However,  most women these days are radical feminists who seem to think they can do just fine without their husband.  It's not uncommon to find women giving more attention to their career than their men. At the end of the day,  these men feel unwanted and move away. What happens? Someone outside begins to makes them feel wanted.

There you have it,  my top three reasons.  Do you agree or disagree? Share your views here or on Facebook by searching for my page WINNIETALKER. 


  1. Winnie!
    Okay the caption got me laughing. All three points are true. Some women can't shut their mouths about their husbands and human nature would always bring up jealousy so bad; even to a level that juju might be involved in the husband snatching process. Humans are insatiable and always want more, material things and greed. Nice writeup 👏

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