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It is the 21st century and the 'in thing' seems to be the use of complexion lightening creams and soaps. While I am not outrightly condemning the use of skin lighteners, I feel it necessary for everybody to be cautious when it comes to the use of such beauty products. Today, we shall be looking at five ingredients used in skin lightening and their side effects.
 I am sure that the name rings a bell to quite a number of people. For those who do not know, Hydroquinone is an aromatic organic compound that is a type of phenol that works to reduce the amount of Melanin produced by the skin. Continued use of Hydroquinone makes the skin lighter and succeptible to sunburns. Other side effects include extreme redness and succeptibility to certain types of skin cancer.
  Also called Corticoid. It is another skin lightening agent with adverse side effects which range from cutaneous addiction with the development of unsightly dermatoses to diabetes mellitus. Some wonder how it causes diabetes. It does so by increasing the production of glucose from amino acid breakdown and opposing the action of insulin which may lead to hyperglycemia and insulin resistance.
 In pregnant women, Corticoids have a low but significant effect causing a few birth defects.
 It is a natural substance that can be found in fungi such as mushrooms. When added to creams, its main aim is to prevent the production of melanin. It is relatively safer than hydroquinone but it is not without its side effects. It may cause a skin condition called allergic contact dermatitis which is characterised by reddish skin, itching and formation of bumps.
 It is a derivative of hydroquinone. The Hydroquinone glucoside is a botanical derivative found  in certain plants. Its side effects are the same  with the use of hydroquinone but milder.
  It belongs to a group of active compounds known as AHA's (alpha hydroxy acids). Its main function is to remove the top layer of the skin which may in turn  result in a burning sensation. Other side effects include scabbing, brown or black streaks or spots and skin peeling.
   There are other  skin lightening  agents with side effcts too. This is just a list of five. If the decision is made to use a skin lightener, it is pertinent to make adequate research before buying any product because repairing  damaged skin is no easy task.
  Please drop your comments , questions, objections below. Thanks for reading!



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