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Enjoyment is a necessary part of life, enjoy as much as you can. Food, is a necessary part of life, eat as much as you can. However, be wise. In all that you do, remember Caution, she will help you a lot. If you know me, you know how excessive I can be about things. I remember this one time when I bought a soap that promised to give flawless skin in one week. So, I thought, why wait a week if I can get it in two days? All I have to do is use the soap a lot. My first bath lasted about an hour because I figured that the more I washed, the more my glowing skin would come out.
Okay, first bath did not do the trick. I tried again. I started bathing three to four times a day. What can an unemployed child do with her time? Bathe! Long story short, soap got finished and I still had my jagajaga skin . That's when I decided to stick with my inexpensive Ose Dudu (black soap). Enough about soap and back to my excessive attitude.
You know how they say that too much of everything kills? Well, I always thought that was a lie. I felt that something with health benefits cannot kill. So, I began a new journey to 'healthy living'. Everyone seemed to be going on a diet and I wanted in. However, I cannot stay away from soft drinks, carbohydrate and the likes because  I'm a child of enjoyment. Here is what I did, I went on an enjoyment friendly diet.
The result is this blogpost which is currently being typed in the four walls of a rectangular toilet. I would love to type this elsewhere but my excretory system is unusually bossy today. All I did was try to pamper my body with 500 grams of milk in two days so I can look fresh and what does it pay me back with? Unsolicited trips to my new 'labour room'.
Sometimes, laughter is a sin. You know when you're roaring in laughter and you feel that ... Nevermind.
Long story short. Enjoy, diet but be wise.
Enjoyment is not a sin 


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